Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The queue...

There comes a time in a wargamer's life, where you step back and say, "Damn, how am I going to paint all of this stuff? It is everywhere". For me, that was today. I pledge to paint all of this before the end of the year!

Blood Angels infantry. All the command stuff is painted. Some stuff is base coated.

Blood Angels vehicles. This shot is missing another Stormraven and a Predator.

My Tau force. Magnetized vehicles, some FW stuff. Grey Knights just hanging out.

Anima/Infinity/Warmachine stuff. No where to put it, so they keep my books company.

Old School 3rd edition Space Wolves. Infantry hiding behind the tanks. None of it is game legal anymore (Remember dual-wielding bolters with Wolf Guard because of True Grit?). This all needs to be stripped and repainted for display.

These shots don't even include my Druchii, which are in random places all over my house. Things got this bad because I didn't have a dedicated work space. Prep, spraying, painting, basing, and storage all happened in my bedroom. In order to have workspace, I needed to clear off my computer desk which was nigh impossible as I am a computer nerd in addition to being a scale gaming nerd. My MMO addiction would not allow that to happen. Thankfully, with the new house came dedicated work space!

Where the magic happens. This is actually only a small part of the room. It is like an extra room in my garage. Tons of storage space. I am still shopping around for bitz containers and such. You can see blue and purple which means I have been hard at work on my elves!

My Iwata HP-CS airbrush. Don't know how I managed to survive without one for so long. It won't help you in the Zombie Apocalypse, but it makes painting zombies super easy!

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