Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Retribution of Scyrah WIP

I have been super busy getting all of my Myrmidons painted, and I am on track to finish them this week! I went with a similar style to the studio scheme from Privateer Press, with a little bit of airbrush magic. I have a few pictures to share of my WIP stuff. I apologize for the quality though. The light in my work area is very yellow, and I don't have a light box yet. Also, these were taken with my cell phone. Apologies out of the way, now lets move on to the fun stuff.

My airbrushed priming/basing process is:
  1. Prime model completely black.
  2. Using a zenithal technique, prime the model with grey primer from a roughly 45 degree angle. All of the black should be covered (very lightly, more of a tint) except for in the deepest recesses.
  3. After the grey, do the same with a very thin white from a near vertical angle.
  4. For a basecoat, coat the entire model in a very thin mix of PP Underbelly blue and Army Painter matte white.
Following those four steps took no time at all, and created a nice gradient of color all over the model ranging from very cool blue-grays in the shadows to white for the highlights. Now that the model is primed and mostly base coated:
  1. Lightly spray around the "power nodes" with PP Arcane blue to be the base of a glow effect.
  2. All of the nodes, metal bits, hands, and weapons get coated with PP Pig Iron (via brush). 
  3. The "swirls" surrounding the power nodes were lined with a GW dark blue ink. I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head.
  4. Exhaust vents got PP turquoise ink for the start of a glow effect.
  5. Sword and Halberd casing got hit with a mix of Pig Iron, blue ink, and red ink to make a purple metallic color (recipe right out of the RoS book).
My Iaijutsu Phoenix
Whew, done with the base coat! That process isn't so bad, but I was doing 16 warjacks all at once. My hands were actually a little cramped when I was done. At this point, I created a save point by spraying a coat of Liquitex gloss varnish via airbrush and then took these pictures. Left to do are my highlights, small details, and basing. Thanks to the way I primed/based the armor, I actually don't think I am going to do any traditional highlights there. Most of the highlighting will be for the metallics. I plan to use Vallejo MA Steel, and then wash everything in GW Nuln Oil (which is an amazing ink). I also plan to point Nuln Oil in the recesses between the armor plates. I don't know why, but I hate the glow all over thing that is in the studio scheme. I think they really went overboard with it.

So, I think that was more than enough words. Moar Picturez!

The Hydra reminds me of the Hulk...

I wish I had a better pose for Imperatus.
Sadly I pinned the hell out of him before I checked what
the pose would look like....lesson learned.


Well, that's it for now. I did some more work last night on Imperatus, and he is looking pretty spiffy. I should have some more (and hopefully better) shots by the end of the week!

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