Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dark Elf Sorceress Alternative


Well, as fond as I am of Games Workshop, some of their sculpts for the Druchii are just plain fugly ('effin + ugly = fugly). The biggest offenders, in my opinion, are the Dark Elf Witches, but this post isn't about them. This is about the our sorceress options. GW offers:

  1. Morathi on a Dark Pegasus....both fugly and naked.
  2. Old school Morathi on foot....ew?
  3. Supreme Sorceress with some swirly stuff....yea....fugly and weird.
  4. A plastic sorceress with 80's hair like Gene Simmons. (I will admit, I did buy this one)
As I don't play competitively in tournaments, I could care less about the Games Workshop proxy rules. Not trying to bash them, as I completely understand that they want to protect their IP, but as a collector I am keeping my options open. I prefer to have a complete army that will look great on the table top. Not naked chicks with bad hair.

So what is there to do? It would just so happen that there are lots of appropriate options available! I present my first choice, Reaper's Alastriel!

Isn't she just adorable!
This model was a bit of a challenge. It is a really simple sculpt, so I wanted to do a top notch job with the paint to make it stand out. It will, after all, be one of my Lord choices. Initially, I couldn't decide on a color scheme. Overall, my army will use a blue-ish purple, gold, and silver as the main colors. I didn't want to do all of her clothes in purple though, as I felt that the model would be too dark. So, I turned to the lore in the Army Book for inspiration. After reading that many of the sorceresses in Dark Elf society indulge in the pleasure cults, the magic light bulb in my head came on.

"Pleasure cults worship Slaanesh...the Emperor's Children worship Slaanesh...the Emperor's Children are pink...Dark Elf Slaanesh worshipping Sorceresses would wear pink!"

I was quite proud of myself.

I think the cloak turned out well.

The whole model was base coated the same blue-gray you see on the base. The cloak was then layered with 2 blue tones, and then topped with two purple tones. The pink was created by mixing Tamiya red and white. A baal red wash was then applied over it. The skin is just one layer of Tamiya flesh that was airbrushed on. The airbrush really helped to create the shading effects. This was also my first time playing with object source lighting (OSL). I wanted the gem in her staff to shine light onto her hair and I also wanted the runes on the sword to "shine" as well. I think both effects turned out well. I then applied a thinned layer of Quickshade (1:1 QS to Mineral Spirits) by brush. A little touching up and basing, and she will be ready to go to battle!

Her sister-at-arms will be the Warmachine Shepard Solo model. She is only primed right now, but I think she will fit in perfectly.  She has this whole "grim reaper" thing going on. She definitely would not wear pink though, so I don't know which color scheme to go with. Maybe black and gold?

Feel free to share any criticism. What models do you all use for your wizard options?

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