Friday, August 8, 2014

2nd Amendment Caster: Lord Ossyan

I got to play a game last night, which was a great learning experience. It was a good chance to get more familiar with the rules, and get used to my units strengths and weaknesses. I am definitely picking things up a lot quicker now. However, I am still not quite comfortable with my ability to judge how far up the board to risk my caster. Focus management was less of a problem though.

So in my previous post, I mentioned that I was going to use my Rahn list. However, when I found out that I was playing against a beast heavy Circle army, I made a last minute decision to switch to Ossyan. I didn't feel that the Rahn list would be able to handle the number of beasts that I was going to face. While I ended up losing in the end, I learned some valuable lessons:

  1. Rifleman + UA + Houseguard Thane = Awesome (They almost won me the game)
  2. Hiding a unit of Stormfall Archers behind aforementioned brick = More Awesome
  3. Choose your Stormfall targets wisely (scattering killed a half unit of my sentinels)
  4. While I like the Heavy Rifle Team on paper, in practice they are hard to use. I will probably shelf them unless I know I will be playing scenarios with zones where they don't have to move.
  5. I think I like Invictors with Ossyan over Sentinels. They will give me additional shooting, and they don't need to be as close, so Stormfall shots should not kill them.
  6. Warbeasts are annoying.

So keeping all of these points in mind, I took my original Ossyan list, and turned it into this:

Ossyan's Shooting Gallery

Lord Arcanist Ossyan - WJ: +6
-    Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker
-    Phoenix - PC: 10

Houseguard Thane - PC: 2

Houseguard Riflemen - Leader & 9 Grunts: 8
-    Rifleman Officer & Standard - PC: 2
Dawnguard Invictors - Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
-    Invictor Officer & Standard - Officer & Standard 2
Mage Hunter Strike Force - Leader & 9 Grunts: 8
-    Strike Force Commander - Commander 2
Stormfall Archers - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5
Stormfall Archers - Leader & 3 Grunts: 5

56 / 56 (50+6)    Warcaster(s) : 1/1    Warjack(s) : 1    Battle Engines : 0    Solos : 1    Units : 5

So, the idea here is that the Rifleman combo and 1 unit of archers take the stealth match-up. If my opponent has no significant stealth threat, this group can sit on whichever flank puts the most pressure on my opponent's caster. Ossyan's battlegroup and the Invictors will hold my center. Lastly, the MHSF will take my other flank supported by the other Archer unit. In a situation where I deploy second, it may be advantageous to put the 2nd unit of archers with the Rifleman block.

Ossyan's feat turn should be devastating as my entire army has guns, and should be able to bring them to bear all at the same time. Being able to CRA with two units will help with punching through armour. The rifleman mini feat can also provide some punch late in the game. The archers are just great all around. The Phoenix isn't the greatest ranged choice for warjacks that we have, but it can help anchor my center line and set things on fire. Setting things on fire is just so much fun. It could be swapped out for a Banshee though. I suppose the momentum effect on it's gun could prove pretty useful in some match ups. 

Let me know what you think of the list!

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